The problem of peace in Kant


  • Antonio Hermosa Andújar



Kant, peace, international relations, freedom, moral, war


In the world of the practical reason as Kant conceives it, no discontinuity is possible between theory and practice in each area that constitute it (moral, law and politics). The first one is based theoretically on the second one, and this one in practice on the first one and theoretically on the second one. The politics is, likewise, the practice of law. The concept of duty would be the base of the entire building and the nucleus that articulates the continuity of its parts, as a group of rules.

This is what Kant aims to demonstrate in the writings studied here. Especially in “Perpetual peace”, he tries to move his convictions to the area of international relations. But it is a total failure, because there is no guarantee that the union
of morality and interest or force in any human action fields is enough so that the first one restrains the effect of the second ones.


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