Peer review process

The articles will be previously evaluated by the editor of the journal and the coordinator of the monograph, who will inform the author of their acceptance or rejection on the basis of their agreement with the editorial standards and correspondence with the subject matter of the call for papers.

Once accepted, it will be submitted for review. The journal follows the double blind peer review system. For this purpose, it has an international portfolio of referees and specialists invited ad hoc.

The review process is based on the following aspects: (a) relevance of the selected topic, (b) scientific quality, (c) rigor of the scientific apparatus, (d) expository coherence.

The referees will have one month to make their opinion. The conclusion may be: (1) accepted, (b) admitted after review of the points, (3) denied. In case of discrepancy between the referees, the editor of the journal will seek the opinion of a third specialist. The final publication decision will be made by the Editorial Board and will be communicated to the author.