Focus and scope

Revista IUS (Mexico) is a Scientific Journal published by the Institute of Legal Sciences of Puebla A.C., which aims to disclose research results in the Legal Science field of the Ibero-American region.

With the goal to be a space for dialogue and debate among researchers, academics and students of law and related disciplines, the journal publishes original research articles that are the result of empirical and theoretical studies of all areas of law and related sciences, which They have a specific subject matter of current and scientific innovation in each issue. To ensure the scientific quality of the contents, the published articles go through a strict Double Blind Peer Review System.

 Revista IUS (Mexico) has a biannual frequency (January-June / July-December) and has a printed version (ISSN 1870-2147) and an electronic version in Open Access, with which the Institute of Legal Sciences of Puebla A.C. contributes to the transmission of scientific knowledge.