Guest Editor

The content of each issue of Revista IUS explores a thematic axis developed via theoretical and empirical contributions from within the legal and social sciences.

The topics are defined based on the contemporary agenda of problems / topics relevant to Ibero America, as well as their academic relevance to discussion within the international research circuit.

The selection of the thematic axes is proposed by the Editorial Board, while their viability is evaluated by the International Scientific Committee, which is responsible for guaranteeing the scientific relevance of said selection.

Thus, each issue is edited in collaboration with the Guest Editors, who may either apply to participate or are invited by the Editorial Board.

The Guest Editors are responsible for accompanying the journal’s Executive Editor throughout the editing process up to the day of publication.

The selection and invitation of the Guest Editors are conducted based on the following criteria:

a) A doctorate in either law or an area from the social sciences that corresponds to the proposed publication topic.

 b) To be enrolled in/affiliated to a higher education institution, research centre or institute in Mexico, and to be a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI or National System of Researchers) of the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología(CONACyT).

Those enrolled in/affiliated to a foreign institution must be recognized by said institution and/or the body certifying the quality of scientific production in said country.

c) To be working as an active researcher with recent scientific production (articles in international scientific journals, books, chapters of books and participation in international congresses) in the areas of knowledge covered by the issue.

d) To be able to demonstrate active participation in national and international research networks and groups.

e) To have an ORCIDm number. 


Guest Editors will be responsible for the following actions:

a)    Permanent communication with the Executive Editor.

b)    Dissemination of the call for papers corresponding to the issue.

c)    Circular with personalized invitations to academics and researchers with a renowned/recognized academic career.

d)    Receive the proposed abstracts and decide on their viability for inclusion in the issue. 

e)    Write the introduction to the issue.

f)     Review the galleys of the issue prior to publication.

g)    Propose academic spaces for the presentation of the journal.

h)    Other activities related to editorial work.

Guest Editors may propose only one research article for the issue they are coordinating.

As with other articles proposed, this will be subject to an editorial review process and a peer-review process, in accordance with IUS editorial criteria.

The call for thematic issues (issue), submission deadlines for contributions and the names of the Guest Editors will be announced in the editorial calendar, which can be consulted on the journal’s official website: