Economic law and local development. The Municipality of the Yaguachi Canton of Ecuador



Economic law and local development are approached
as a relationship and dependency. The perception of the
local development of the inhabitants of the Yaguachi
canton served as the basis for the respective analysis
that allowed describing aspects related to the subject of
study. They are all the actors of local development, from
the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government,
the unions and the citizens, those called to cooperate
with each other and in a harmonious and coordinated
way to generate the desired changes that are required
in the territory.
This situation describes an opportunity for these
actors to integrate in an articulated way, supported
by the tools provided by economic law to create the
conditions that allow improving local development,
integrating the human and environmental aspects.
It is concluded, a relationship between the level of
coordination of the actors of the territory and the
degree of development of the canton according to the
results of the applied research instrument.


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