The best interest of the minor as a guiding principle in the assignment of guardianship and custody of minors, above gender prejudice in Sinaloa.




The objective of this article is the analysis of the assignment of guardianship and custody of minors and incapable persons, derived from the process of divorce, annulment of marriage or dissolution of concubinage, an institution of fundamental family law for the conservation of relationships. relatives, where particularly in the Family Code of Sinaloa, preferential treatment is given to the mother over the father, when the children are under 12 years of age, leaving aside the best interests of the minor, which should be priority in this controversy, judging with gender stereotypes and prejudices, violating the principle of equality and non-discrimination based on international treaties and the Political Constitution of Mexico, also encouraging the continuation of gender roles that have prevailed for generations.


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Author Biography

Pablo Alfonso Aguilar Calderón, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México, Facultad de Derecho Mazatlán

Licenciado en derecho por la Facultad de Derecho Mazatlán UAS.

Maestro y doctor en derecho por la División de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Derecho UNAM.

Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Inestigadores Conacyt Nivel 1.

Miembro del claustro de Doctores en Derecho UNAM.

Profesor e investigador de tiempo completo de la Facultad de Derecho Mazatlán UAS.


Miembro del núcleo académico básico del programa de posgrado en derecho pnpc de conacyt Facultad de Derecho Culiacán UAS.

