Foreign policy and human rights in Mexico: trends at the end of the twentieth century and priorities at the beginning of the twenty-first


  • Rafael Velázquez Flores



Human rights, foreign policy, Mexico, international system, democracy .


The central target of this article is to identify the causes that led Mexico to including the topic of human rights as a significant point in its foreign policy agenda. The main argument is that this decision was due to the mix of xternal and internal factors that took place at the end of the twentieth century. The work is divided into four parts. The first one raises the link between foreign policy and human rights from a conceptual perspective. The second one explains external factors that motivated Mexico to project a different foreign policy on the field of human rights at the end of the twentieth century. The third one analyzes internal elements that influenced. The last part analyzes some specific cases on the link between foreign policy and human rights in the Mexican case.


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