Migrantes, refugiados y víctimas del tráfico de personas en el Mediterráneo (entre la política y los derechos humanos)


  • Pablo Antonio Fernández Sánchez




Marine spaces and migrations, migrants at sea, castaways and human rights, massive flows, refugee in the Mediterranean.


This article studies the competence of the States in terms of migration in different marine spaces, as defined by the Law of the Sea. The analysis takes into consideration all aspects influencing the obligations of States in relation to the sea and human rights, as the rescue of the castaways, the right of asylum seekers and the right of victims of human trafficking. It also analyses the case of refugees in
the Mediterranean Sea. Given its dimension and impact, it deserves a special attention. The causes of the mass influx of migrants considered are armed conflicts and another type of circumstances, because the consequences can be differentiated.


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