Business and Privacy: The Safekeeping of Information and Personal Data in Digital Media


  • Ana Isabel Meraz Espinoza Tecnológico de Monterrey



Law, Privacy, Company, Information, Personal Data, Digital Media.


Technology as a research topic is broad. Focusing on aspects of a business unlocks an unlimited range of legal and technical issues that require care and attention to its possible legal consequences. The modern company, inserted in the society of information and knowledge, constantly changes and evolves and adapts to that technical and legal swing that inevitably subjects it. An important issue faced by all types of corporations, small, medium or large, is the daily use of digital media to process, distribute or store any kind of information in an electronic device. This activity, so necessary at present, continues to facilitate the entrepreneur all kinds of processes. However, the company is vulnerable to technical and legal risks related to the protection of privacy of information and personal data of its members. Privacy involves a series of situations related to the personal and individual status of each individual, so it is important to analyze some of them to determine the extent to which the rights and obligations that affect each of the parties involved in a business context.


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Author Biography

Ana Isabel Meraz Espinoza, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Profesora Investigadora.


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