Religious tolerance, a road still to travel. Foundations and definition from a human rights perspective


  • Cristian David Badillo Gutiérrez D. in Education from the Centro de Estudios Avanzados de las Américas; general director of the Fundación Conciencia Nacional por la Libertad Religiosa and editorial director of the Centro Internacional de Estudios sobre Ley y Derecho, A. C.



In a globalized world, the confluence of multiple cultures has led to the interaction of diverse religions, making it imperative to speak of religious tolerance. This article will address the concept from its definition to its implications, as well as the historical and philosophical foundations that have laid the foundations for its understanding in today’s world. In addition, a reflection is made between the relationship of religious tolerance and other human rights, for the promotion of just and equitable societies around the world, as well as its impact on promoting the culture of peace today. To conclude, good practices in the exercise of religious tolerance are recognized, among them those carried out by the Interreligious Councils of Mexico, who are a reflection that cooperation between religions is possible.


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