Open access policy

The Revista IUS (México) subscribes to the Open Access model for the publishing of its electronic and printed versions, in line with the current movement to open up scientific information to the democratization of knowledge.

Thus, based on copyright law, the recognition of the moral and economic rights of all authors publishing their work in Revista IUS (México) will be guaranteed.

These rights will be ceded to the Legal Sciences Institute of Puebla, A.C., publisher of Revista IUS (México), via the Waiver of rights for the publication and dissemination of articles in Revista IUS (México), for their work to be disseminated by means of any medium via the Open Access model.

All content in Revista IUS (México) will be distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, under which third parties are permitted to copy and redistribute the content in any format, as well as reusing information from Revista IUS (México), provided that the authorship of the information is recognized and the fact that it was first published in Revista IUS (México) is explicitly stated.

In accordance with the Open Access policy of Revista IUS (México), subsequent to the publication of the article, the Legal Sciences Institute of Puebla A.C. authorizes its authors to place a postprint version of the article in the Open Access repositories, academic social media, personal websites and other platforms used for the exclusive purposes of dissemination, explicitly indicating that this was first published in Revista IUS (México), with the corresponding hyperlinks given in the e-version of the publication.